On nonlinear models of deformation of strata and propagation of seismic vibrations

TitleOn nonlinear models of deformation of strata and propagation of seismic vibrations
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsKendzera, OV, Rushchitsky, JJ
Abbreviated Key TitleDopov. Nac. akad. nauk Ukr.
Date Published11/2017

A possibility of using two nonlinear phenomenological models from mechanics of materials — Neo-Hookean and Mooney—Rivlin — with the aim to take the effect of strata into account in studying the seismic hazard for building sites is considered. A correspondence of these models and experimental data under a nonlinear deformation of soils is shown. It is proposed to change the existing empirical and semiempirical models of nonlinear deformation of strata by pheno menological ones.

Keywordsbulk modulus, nonlinear phenomenological models, shear modulus, strata
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