A modeling of the oxygen regime in bioreactors-aerotanks at the purification of waste waters from organic pollutants

TitleA modeling of the oxygen regime in bioreactors-aerotanks at the purification of waste waters from organic pollutants
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsAirapetian, TS, Telyma, SV, Oliynik, OJa.
Abbreviated Key TitleDopov. Nac. akad. nauk Ukr.
Date Published6/2017

A mathematical model of the oxygen supply for the biological purification of waste waters from organic pollutants in aerotanks with suspended and fixed biocenoses is presented. The features of a modeling of the oxygen regime at the purification in the aerotanks-mixers and aerotanks-displacers are considered.

Keywordsactive sludge, aerotank-displacer, aerotank-mixer, biofilm, model, organic pollutant, oxygen, purification
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