On the modeling of the filtration of a liquid in a drainable fissured head stratum

TitleOn the modeling of the filtration of a liquid in a drainable fissured head stratum
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsPolyakov, VL
Abbreviated Key TitleDopov. Nac. akad. nauk Ukr.
Date Published6/2017

A mathematical model of the pumping of a liquid by a perfect well with constant discharge from a fissured head stratum is formulated. Its solution is presented by the analytic dependences of the groundwater flow characteristics on the disturbance zone radius. The temporal behavior of the radius is described by the Cauchy problem, which is easily solved by standard software packages (Mathcad, etc.). The accuracy of calculations and the effect of the exchange of a liquid between the system of fissures and the stratum matrix on the filtration are evaluated by a few examples.

Keywordscalculation, disturbance zone, fractured reservoir, groundwater flow, perfect well
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