Title | Asymptotic behavior of metric spaces at infinity |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2017 |
Authors | Bilet, VV, Dovgoshey, OA |
Abbreviated Key Title | Dopov. Nac. akad. nauk Ukr. |
DOI | 10.15407/dopovidi2017.09.009 |
Issue | 9 |
Section | Mathematics |
Pagination | 9-14 |
Date Published | 9/2017 |
Language | English |
Abstract | A new sequential approach to investigations of the structure of metric spaces at infinity is proposed. Criteria for the finiteness and boundedness of metric spaces at infinity are found. |
Keywords | asymptotic boundedness of a metric space, asymptotic finiteness of a metric space, convergence of metric spaces, strong porosity at a point |
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