Synthesis and structure of KInP2O7 obtained from K—In—P—Mo—O melts

TitleSynthesis and structure of KInP2O7 obtained from K—In—P—Mo—O melts
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsKyselov, DV, Terebilenko, KV, Petrenko, OV, Baumer, VN, Slobodyanik, MS
Abbreviated Key TitleDopov. Nac. akad. nauk Ukr.
Date Published6/2018
The peculiarities of the crystallization from mixed phosphate — molybdate melts and the structure of $KInP_{2}O_{7}$ have been investigated. The compound crystallizes in a monoclinic system, space group $P21/c (14), a = 7.4092(1), b = 10.3990(1), c = 8.3966(1), β = 106.23(0)°, V = 621.16(36) Å^{3}$. The three-dimensional framework $[InP2O7]_{\infty}$ consists of isolated $InO_{6}$ octahedra interlinked by six pyrophosphate groups. This type of architecture of the anionic sublattice forms hexagonal channels, where potassium cations are located. Doping the host studied with rare-earth metals would open a possibility of its practical application as a base of the phosphors.
Keywordscrystallization, indium, pyrophosphate, single crystal, X-ray diffraction
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