On multivariate public keys based on a pair of transformations with density gap

TitleOn multivariate public keys based on a pair of transformations with density gap
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsUstimenko, VA
Abbreviated Key TitleDopov. Nac. akad. nauk Ukr.
SectionInformation Science and Cybernetics
Date Published9/2018

We propose an algorithm of generation of the stable families of bijective polynomial maps f(n) of the n-dimensional affine space over a commutative ring K together with their inverse transformations. All maps are given in a standard basis, in which their degrees and densities are calculated. The method allows us to generate transformations f(n) of the linear density with degree given by the prescribed linear function d(n) and with exponential density for f(n)–1. In the case of K = Fq, we can select f(n) of the exponential order. The scheme of generation of public keys of multivariate cryptography of the form g(n) = T1f(n)T2, where T1 is a monomial linear transformation of Kn, and the degree of T2 is equal to 1, is proposed. The estimates of complexity show that the time of execution of the encryption rule coincides with the time of computation of the value of a quadratic multivariate map. The decryption procedure based on the knowledge of a generation algorithm is even faster. The security rests on the idea of the insufficiency of adversary's computational resources to restore the inverse map with exponential density and unbounded degree and on the absence of the known general polynomial algorithms to solve this task.

Keywordsalgebraic graphs, estimates of comp lexity, multivariate cryptography, post-quantum cryptography, public keys
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