Quasimomentum of an elementary excitation for a system of point bosons under zero boundary conditions

TitleQuasimomentum of an elementary excitation for a system of point bosons under zero boundary conditions
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsTomchenko, MD
Abbreviated Key TitleDopov. Nac. akad. nauk Ukr.
Date Published12/2019

As is known, an elementary excitation of a many-particle system with boundaries is not characterized by a definite momentum. We obtain the formula for the quasimomentum of an elementary excitation for a one-dimensional system of N spinless point bosons under zero boundary conditions (BCs). In this case, we use Gaudin's solutions obtained with the help of the Bethe ansatz. We have also found the dispersion laws of the particle-like and hole-like excita tions under zero BCs. They coincide with the known dispersion laws obtained under periodic BCs.

Keywordselementary excitation, point bosons, quasimomentum, zero boundary conditions

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