On the effect of initial stresses on quasitransversal axisymmetric waves in an incompressible composite

TitleOn the effect of initial stresses on quasitransversal axisymmetric waves in an incompressible composite
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsGlukhov, AYu.
Abbreviated Key TitleDopov. Nac. akad. nauk Ukr.
Date Published02/2019

In the framework of the linearized theory of elasticity for bodies with initial stresses, the problem of propagation of axisymmetric waves in a layered incompressible composite with the slippage of layers is considered. Numerical solutions of the dispersion equation for an incompressible material with an elastic potential of the Treloar type for various initial stresses in layers of a composite are investigated.

Keywordsdispersive equation, elastic waves, initial stresses, laminated incompressible composite

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