Physical kinetics of self-organization of dissipative modulated structures in the distribution of interacting vacancies in bcc crystals under a continuous irradiation

TitlePhysical kinetics of self-organization of dissipative modulated structures in the distribution of interacting vacancies in bcc crystals under a continuous irradiation
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsOliinyk, OV, Tatarenko, VA
Abbreviated Key TitleDopov. Nac. akad. nauk Ukr.
Date Published03/2019

The conditions of self-organization of a dissipative modulated structure in the spatial distribution of interacting and diffusing vacancies [generated by (isothermal) irradiation] due to the instability of their homogeneous dis-tribution in the bcc host crystal are analyzed. For the bcc vanadium, as a continuously irradiated model material, the temperature dependence of the spatial period of such a structure of vacancies’ subsystem is predicted with regard for the total energy of the “(electro)chemical” (cohesive by nature at close distances) and the “strain-in-duced” (“elastic” by character at long distances) interactions between vacancies.

Keywordsvacancies; “strain-induced” interaction; “(electro)chemical” interaction; dissipative modulated structure

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