Enhancement of erythrocyte oxygen transport function after hydrothermic storage under the action of human cord blood low-molecular fraction and the Actovegin drug

TitleEnhancement of erythrocyte oxygen transport function after hydrothermic storage under the action of human cord blood low-molecular fraction and the Actovegin drug
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsGulevskyy, OK, Akhatova, Yu.S, Zharkova, YY
Abbreviated Key TitleDopov. Nac. akad. nauk Ukr.
Date Published11/2020

We study the effect of a low-molecular fraction (below 10 kDa) derived from human cord blood and Actovegin on the content of various forms of hemoglobin in erythrocytes stored under hypothermia (2-4 ºС) for 21 days. During the long-term storage of erythrocytes, there is known to be a change in the hemoglobin forms ratio toward the decrease of the relative content of oxyhemoglobin and an increase of deoxy- and methemoglobin. As a result, the affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen reduces. The incubation of erythrocytes in a rehabilitation medium with each of the studied low-molecular drugs was found to be crucial to increase the content of oxyhemoglobin and to reduce the amounts of deoxy- and methemoglobin relative to the control. As a result, there was a rise in the oxygenation coefficient, reflecting the oxygen saturation of hemoglobin, up to the level characteristic of freshly isolated erythrocytes. The data obtained show that the human cord blood low-molecular fraction and the Actovegin normalize the ratio of hemoglobin forms in hypothermically stored erythrocytes, but the use of the Actovegin drug is more effective.

KeywordsActovegin, cord blood, erythrocytes, hypothermia, oxygen transport function

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