Ecological differentiation as a factor of plant coexistence in the lower layers of forest phytocenoses

TitleEcological differentiation as a factor of plant coexistence in the lower layers of forest phytocenoses
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsKovalenko, IM
Abbreviated Key TitleDopov. Nac. akad. nauk Ukr.
Date Published3/2020

The ecological features of a large group of plant species forming the herbaceous and subshrub layers of forest phytocenoses in the North-East of Ukraine are analyzed. It is established that, in the three associations of Mercurialo perennis—Quercetum roboris, Querco—Pinetum (sylvestris), and Peucedano—Pinetum (sylvestris) Constanta, the sustainable coexistence of plant species is ensured through the mechanism of ecological differentiation, firstly, by such factors as soil moisture, soil fertility, content of nitrogen in the soil, soil acidity, and lighting regime. According to the results of the cluster and discriminant analyses, it can be argued that the mechanism of ecological differentiation is versatile for forest ecosystems and, while supplemented by the mechanisms of divergency of ecological niches and phenotypic flexibility, provides the long-term stable support for the species composition of the herb and subshrub layer.

Keywordscoexistence of plant species, ecological differentiation, forest phytocenoses

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