Enhancement of erythrocyte oxygen transport function after hydrothermic storage under the action of human cord blood low-molecular fraction and the Actovegin drug Gulevskyy OK, Akhatova Yu.S, Zharkova YY. Enhancement of erythrocyte oxygen transport function after hydrothermic storage under the action of human cord blood low-molecular fraction and the Actovegin drug. 2020 ;(11):85-91.
MARK activation in human blood mononuclear cells in types 1 and 2 diabetes Pushkarev VV, Sokolova LK, Kovzun OI, Cherviakova SA, Vatseba TS, Pushkarev VM, Tronko MD. MARK activation in human blood mononuclear cells in types 1 and 2 diabetes. 2020 ;(3):94-99.
Aspects of the creation of neuroprotective antiinflammatory drugs Chekman IS, Belenichev IF, Syrovaja AO, Gorchakova NA, Buhtijarova NV, Ryzhenko VP, Levashova OL, Chalenko NN. Aspects of the creation of neuroprotective antiinflammatory drugs. 2019 ;(9):88-98.
Peculiarities of the radiation-induced bystander effect manifestation in human peripheral blood lymphocytes due to action of astaxantine Rushkovsky SR, Kurinnyi DA, Demchenko OM, Pilinska MA. Peculiarities of the radiation-induced bystander effect manifestation in human peripheral blood lymphocytes due to action of astaxantine. 2019 ;(9):82-87.
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Adaptor protein Ruk/CIN85 modulates manifestation of cancer stem cells (CSCs) features in mouse breast adenocarcinoma 4T1 cells Horak IR, Pasichnyk GV, Gerashchenko DS, Knopfova L, Borsig L, Drobot LB. Adaptor protein Ruk/CIN85 modulates manifestation of cancer stem cells (CSCs) features in mouse breast adenocarcinoma 4T1 cells. 2018 ;(12):101-109.
Effect of modeled soil drought on lipoxygenase activity in Triticum spelta Babenko LM, Kosakivska IV. Effect of modeled soil drought on lipoxygenase activity in Triticum spelta. 2018 ;(8):98-104.
Inhibition of multiple forms of carbonic anhydrases of spinach chloroplasts by Cu ions Polishchuk AV, Semenikhin AV, Topchyi NM, Zolotareva EK. Inhibition of multiple forms of carbonic anhydrases of spinach chloroplasts by Cu ions. 2018 ;(4):94-101.
Changes in the levels of vitamin D receptor and active form of the nuclear factor κB in bone tissue of rats with experimental type 1 diabetes mellitus and their correction with cholecalciferol Mazanova AO, Shymanskyi IO, Lisakovska OO, Vasylevska VM, Lototska OYu., Makarova OO, Veliky MM. Changes in the levels of vitamin D receptor and active form of the nuclear factor κB in bone tissue of rats with experimental type 1 diabetes mellitus and their correction with cholecalciferol. 2018 ;(2):109-116.
Fatty acid composition of total lipids in liver of carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) under artificial hibernation Sysolyatin SV, Khyzhnyak SV. Fatty acid composition of total lipids in liver of carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) under artificial hibernation. 2017 ;(8):102-105.