System analysis of the functioning of ecosystems of natural protected territories under conditions of the activation of the influence of natural and anthropogenic fac tors Popov MO, Alokhina OV, Rusyn BP, Koshovyy VV, Ivantyshyn OL. System analysis of the functioning of ecosystems of natural protected territories under conditions of the activation of the influence of natural and anthropogenic fac tors. 2019 ;(11):100-110.
Joint water purification from iron and manganese compounds by microfiltration ceramic membrane made of clay minerals Dulneva TYu. Joint water purification from iron and manganese compounds by microfiltration ceramic membrane made of clay minerals. 2019 ;(9):105-111.
Water purification from iron and manganese by a microfiltration ceramic membrane of clay minerals Goncharuk VV, Dulneva TYu., Kucheruk DD. Water purification from iron and manganese by a microfiltration ceramic membrane of clay minerals. 2019 ;(8):102-107.
Phytohormonal regulation of the development of Dryopteris filix-mas (L.) Schott gametophyte in vitro culture Romanenko KO, Babenko LM, Vasheka OV, Romanenko PO, Kosakivska IV. Phytohormonal regulation of the development of Dryopteris filix-mas (L.) Schott gametophyte in vitro culture. 2018 ;(11):96-105.
Extreme temperature effects on the ultrastructure of mitochondria of mesophyll cells in Triticum spelta leaves Babenko LM, Vodka MV, Akimov YN, Babenko AV, Kosakivska IV. Extreme temperature effects on the ultrastructure of mitochondria of mesophyll cells in Triticum spelta leaves. 2018 ;(10):120-126.
Changing the contents of 137Cs in various objects of the forest ecosystems of the ChNPP exclusion zone during the calendar year Zarubina NY. Changing the contents of 137Cs in various objects of the forest ecosystems of the ChNPP exclusion zone during the calendar year. 2018 ;(9):105-109.
Sarothamnus scoparius (L.) W.D.J. Koch — indicator of global warming Melnyk VI, Baransky AR. Sarothamnus scoparius (L.) W.D.J. Koch — indicator of global warming. 2018 ;(5):105-112.
Peculiarities of the accumulation and distribution of indolyl-3-acetic and abscisic acids in the organs of sporophyte of wild fern Polystichum aculeatum (L.) Roth. At different phenological phases of development Voytenko LV, Kosakivska IV. Peculiarities of the accumulation and distribution of indolyl-3-acetic and abscisic acids in the organs of sporophyte of wild fern Polystichum aculeatum (L.) Roth. At different phenological phases of development. 2017 ;(12):112-118.
Environmental threats to the biodiversity in Kiev from climate changes Boychenko SG, Karamushka VI, Tishchenko OV, Mohnach RYu. Environmental threats to the biodiversity in Kiev from climate changes. 2017 ;(12):104-111.
Ecotopic transformations of steppe ecosystems under the influence of climate changes in the second half of the XX century and in the early XXI century Tkachenko VS, Boychenko SG. Ecotopic transformations of steppe ecosystems under the influence of climate changes in the second half of the XX century and in the early XXI century. 2017 ;(11):94-102.