Gametophyte morphogenesis of a fern Polystichum aculeatum L. Roth of Ukraine's flora in culture in vitro Babenko LM, Romanenko KO, Shcherbatiuk MM, Vasheka OV, Romanenko PO, Negretsky VA, Kosakivska IV. Gametophyte morphogenesis of a fern Polystichum aculeatum L. Roth of Ukraine's flora in culture in vitro. 2017 ;(10):101-107.
Novel composite fibers coated with birnessite layer Bondar Yu.V. Novel composite fibers coated with birnessite layer. 2017 ;(9):102-109.
Adaptive strategy of halophytic plants Polygonum maritimum and Euphorbia paralias Kosakivska IV, Babenko LM, Shcherbatiuk MM, Vedenicheva NP, Sheyko OA, Ivanova A, Angelova L, Maslenkova L. Adaptive strategy of halophytic plants Polygonum maritimum and Euphorbia paralias. 2017 ;(7):98-106.
Energy, ecology, and global climate warming Matsevity Yu.M, Shubenko AL, Kanilo PM, Solovey VV. Energy, ecology, and global climate warming. 2016 ;(12):102-108.
The treatment of urban wastewaters by membrane methods Seminska OO, Kucheruk DD, Balakina MM, Goncharuk VV. The treatment of urban wastewaters by membrane methods. 2016 ;(11):112-116.
Defluorination of bicarbonate water by galvano- and electrocoagulations Deremeshko LA, Kucheruk DD, Balakina MM, Goncharuk VV. Defluorination of bicarbonate water by galvano- and electrocoagulations. 2016 ;(10):94-98.
Structural drift of Ukraine's steppe phytosystems under the influence of climatic changes and prognostic scenarios for the first half of the XXI-st century Tkachenko VS, Boychenko SG. Structural drift of Ukraine's steppe phytosystems under the influence of climatic changes and prognostic scenarios for the first half of the XXI-st century. 2014 ;(4):172-180.
Survival strategy of Bolle's poplar (Populus pyramidalis R o z .) wood plants under urbotechnogenic pollution conditions Lutsyshyn OG, Teslenko IK, Bykov VV. Survival strategy of Bolle's poplar (Populus pyramidalis R o z .) wood plants under urbotechnogenic pollution conditions. 2014 ;(8):156-163.
A novel approach to the assessment of the stability and the risks of losses in ecosystems Didukh Ya.P. A novel approach to the assessment of the stability and the risks of losses in ecosystems. 2014 ;(8):149-155.
Radioecological investigations in the areas of fuel radioactive fallouts of the Chernobyl exclusion zone Lypska AI, Zheltonozhsky VA, Nikolaev VI, Shytiuk VA, Kulich NV, Churyumov VI. Radioecological investigations in the areas of fuel radioactive fallouts of the Chernobyl exclusion zone. 2016 ;(6):133-139.