Exponentially convergent method for an abstract integro - differential equation with fractional Hardy - Titchmarsh integral Makarov VL, Gawriljuk IP, Vasylyk VB. Exponentially convergent method for an abstract integro - differential equation with fractional Hardy - Titchmarsh integral. 2021 ;(1):3-8.
On boundary-value problems for generalized analytic and harmonic functions Gutlyanskii VYa., Nesmelova OV, Ryazanov VI, Yefimushkin AS. On boundary-value problems for generalized analytic and harmonic functions. 2020 ;(12):11-18.
Lie symmetries of generalized Kawahara equations Vaneeva OO, Zhalij AY. Lie symmetries of generalized Kawahara equations. 2020 ;(12):3-10.
Characterization of the Schur class in terms of the coefficients of a series on the Laguerre basis Savchuk VV, Savchuk MV. Characterization of the Schur class in terms of the coefficients of a series on the Laguerre basis. 2020 ;(11):9-15.
On the estimation of the Lyapunov function in solutions of a quasilinear fractional system Martynyuk AA. On the estimation of the Lyapunov function in solutions of a quasilinear fractional system. 2020 ;(11):3-8.
Necessary condition for the existence of a simple closed geodesic on a regular tetrahedron in the spherical space Sukhorebska DD. Necessary condition for the existence of a simple closed geodesic on a regular tetrahedron in the spherical space. 2020 ;(10):9-14.
On groups, whose non-normal subgroups are either contranormal or core-free Kurdachenko LA, Pypka AA, Subbotin IYa. On groups, whose non-normal subgroups are either contranormal or core-free. 2020 ;(10):3-8.
Derivations and automorphisms of locally matrix algebras and groups Bezushchak OO. Derivations and automorphisms of locally matrix algebras and groups. 2020 ;(9):19-23.
About a practical method of determining the length of an ellipse Ustyanich EP, Ustyanich AE. About a practical method of determining the length of an ellipse. 2020 ;(9):10-18.
The generalized Hermite polynomials, their properties, and the differential equation which they satisfy Makarov VL. The generalized Hermite polynomials, their properties, and the differential equation which they satisfy. 2020 ;(9):3-9.