Necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of the one-point time on an oriented set Grushka Ya.I. Necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of the one-point time on an oriented set. 2019 ;(8):9-15.
Toward the theory of the Sobolev classes with critical exponent Afanas’eva OS, Ryazanov VI, Salimov RR. Toward the theory of the Sobolev classes with critical exponent. 2019 ;(8):3-8.
On semilinear equations in the complex plane Gutlyanskii VYa., Nesmelova OV, Ryazanov VI. On semilinear equations in the complex plane. 2019 ;(7):9-16.
Meixner polynomials and their properties Makarov VL. Meixner polynomials and their properties. 2019 ;(7):3-8.
On induced modules over locally Abelian-by-polycyclic groups of finite rank Tushev AV. On induced modules over locally Abelian-by-polycyclic groups of finite rank. 2019 ;(6):8-11.
Linear groups saturated by subgroups of finite central dimension Semko NN, Skаskіv LV, Yarovaya OA. Linear groups saturated by subgroups of finite central dimension. 2019 ;(6):3-7.
On exact solutions of the nonlinear heat equation Barannyk AF, Barannyk TA, Yuryk II. On exact solutions of the nonlinear heat equation. 2019 ;(5):11-17.
Equivalence groupoids of classes of nonlinear second-order evolution equations Vaneeva OO. Equivalence groupoids of classes of nonlinear second-order evolution equations. 2019 ;(5):3-10.
On the structure of groups, whose subgroups are either normal or core-free Kurdachenko LA, Pypka AA, Subbotin IYa. On the structure of groups, whose subgroups are either normal or core-free. 2019 ;(4):17-20.
Fractional-like Hukuhara derivative and its properties Martynyuk AA. Fractional-like Hukuhara derivative and its properties. 2019 ;(4):10-16.