A classification of simple closed geodesics on regular tetrahedra in the Lobachevsky space Borisenko AA, Sukhorebska DD. A classification of simple closed geodesics on regular tetrahedra in the Lobachevsky space. 2019 ;(4):3-9.
A generalization of the malnormal subgroups Kurdachenko LA, Semko NN, Subbotin IYa. A generalization of the malnormal subgroups. 2019 ;(3):25-28.
On boundaryvalue problems in domains without (A)-condition Gutlyanskii VYa., Ryazanov VI, Yakubov E, Yefimushkin AS. On boundaryvalue problems in domains without (A)-condition. 2019 ;(3):17-24.
Hörmander spaces on manifolds, and their application to elliptic boundaryvalue problems Kasirenko TM, Murach AA, Chepurukhina IS. Hörmander spaces on manifolds, and their application to elliptic boundaryvalue problems. 2019 ;(3):9-16.
Rationality of the growth functions of initial Mealy automata Bondarenko IV, Skochko VM. Rationality of the growth functions of initial Mealy automata. 2019 ;(3):3-8.
On the Hilbert problem for analytic functions in quasihyperbolic domains Gutlyanskii VYa., Ryazanov VI, Yakubov E, Yefimushkin AS. On the Hilbert problem for analytic functions in quasihyperbolic domains. 2019 ;(2):23-30.
Asymptotics of solutions of nonlinear Beltrami equations Klishchuk BA, Salimov RR, Stefanchuk MV. Asymptotics of solutions of nonlinear Beltrami equations. 2019 ;(2):17-22.
The bounded solutions of a second•order difference equation with a jump of the operator coefficient Gorodnii MF, Kravets VP. The bounded solutions of a second•order difference equation with a jump of the operator coefficient. 2019 ;(2):12-16.
Lawruk elliptic boundaryvalue problems for homogeneous differential equations Anop AV. Lawruk elliptic boundaryvalue problems for homogeneous differential equations. 2019 ;(2):3-11.
A sufficient condition for the sum of complemented subspaces to be complemented Feshchenko IS. A sufficient condition for the sum of complemented subspaces to be complemented. 2019 ;(1):10-15.