The resolvents of proper extensions of linear relations and finited mensional restrictions of densely defined operators Storozh OG. The resolvents of proper extensions of linear relations and finited mensional restrictions of densely defined operators. 2018 ;(4):3-8.
Interpolation of functionals by integral continued C-fractions Makarov VL, Pahirya MM. Interpolation of functionals by integral continued C-fractions. 2018 ;(3):12-21.
Homogeneous elliptic equations in an extended Sobolev scale Anop AV, Murach AA. Homogeneous elliptic equations in an extended Sobolev scale. 2018 ;(3):3-11.
Semilinear equations in the plane with measurable data Gutlyanskii VYa., Nesmelova OV, Ryazanov VI. Semilinear equations in the plane with measurable data. 2018 ;(2):12-18.
General elliptic boundary-value problems in Hörmander—Roitberg spaces Kasirenko TM. General elliptic boundary-value problems in Hörmander—Roitberg spaces. 2018 ;(2):3-11.
On analogs of some group-theoretic concepts and results for Leibniz algebras Kurdachenko LA, Subbotin IYa., Semko NN. On analogs of some group-theoretic concepts and results for Leibniz algebras. 2018 ;(1):10-14.
The generalized Fokker — Planck kinetic equation of open quantum systems Gerasimenko VI. The generalized Fokker — Planck kinetic equation of open quantum systems. 2018 ;(1):3-9.
High magnetoelectric effect at room temperature in nanograined ceramics of multiferroic-perovskites with general formula Pb(B′B′′)O3 Glinchuk MD, Yurchenko LP. High magnetoelectric effect at room temperature in nanograined ceramics of multiferroic-perovskites with general formula Pb(B′B′′)O3. 2017 ;(12):45-51.
On the Kiguradze theorem for linear boundary-value problems Mikhailets VA, Pelekhata OB, Reva NV. On the Kiguradze theorem for linear boundary-value problems. 2017 ;(12):8-13.
Invariance of solutions of the set of regularized equations Martynyuk AA. Invariance of solutions of the set of regularized equations. 2017 ;(12):3-7.