Nature of the chemical bond from the point of view of the degree of overlapping of electron shells for ions, atoms, and molecules Zhyganiuk IV. Nature of the chemical bond from the point of view of the degree of overlapping of electron shells for ions, atoms, and molecules. 2016 ;(12):36-43.
Excitation dynamics of autoionizing states in rubidium atom and molecule Rb2 in electron-atom collisions Roman VI, Kupliauskiene AV, Borovik AA, Zatsarinny OI. Excitation dynamics of autoionizing states in rubidium atom and molecule Rb2 in electron-atom collisions. 2014 ;(7):76-81.
The photonic Bose–Einstein condensate and stopped light in ultracold atomic gases Slyusarenko Yu.V, Boichenko NP. The photonic Bose–Einstein condensate and stopped light in ultracold atomic gases. 2014 ;(6):74-79.
Polya's theorem and migration + capture of a quantum particle Zagorodny AG, Christophorov LN. Polya's theorem and migration + capture of a quantum particle. 2016 ;(11):44-51.
Diffusive flows and entropy production in a plane-parallel layer for the ideal solution approximation Bulavin LA, Gavryushenko DA, Korobko OV, Sysoev VM, Cherevko KV. Diffusive flows and entropy production in a plane-parallel layer for the ideal solution approximation. 2014 ;(5):76-82.
Influence of the high-temperature annealing on the anisotropy parameters of mobility and the anisotropy of the thermoelectromotive-drag of electrons by phonons in n−Si Baranskii PI, Gaidar GP. Influence of the high-temperature annealing on the anisotropy parameters of mobility and the anisotropy of the thermoelectromotive-drag of electrons by phonons in n−Si. 2014 ;(5):70-75.
Dynamic instabilities on a charged boundary: influence of mass transfer Gichan OI. Dynamic instabilities on a charged boundary: influence of mass transfer. 2016 ;(10):47-53.
Investigations of passive Q-switching in YAG:Nd lasers with Q-switches based on dye-doped polyurethane matrices Bezrodnyi VI, Negriyko AM, Kosyanchuk LF. Investigations of passive Q-switching in YAG:Nd lasers with Q-switches based on dye-doped polyurethane matrices. 2016 ;(9):61-68.
X-ray photoelectron spectra and features of the electronic-energy structure of oxygen-stabilized phases of Zr4Fe2O and Zr4Ni2O Lavrent'yev AA, Shkumat PN, Kopylova EI, Gabrel'yan BV, Sinel'nichenko AK, Zavalii IYu., Khizhun OYu. X-ray photoelectron spectra and features of the electronic-energy structure of oxygen-stabilized phases of Zr4Fe2O and Zr4Ni2O. 2014 ;(4):76-81.
Neutron studies of the interaction of a cationic dye with carbon nanotubes and Laponite nanoplates in aqueous suspensions Bulavin LA, Savenko VS, Lebovka NI, Soloviev DV, Ivankov OI, Kuklin OI. Neutron studies of the interaction of a cationic dye with carbon nanotubes and Laponite nanoplates in aqueous suspensions. 2014 ;(4):70-75.