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Features of the grain boundary sliding development under conditions of superplasticity in an alloy with bimodal structure Poyda AV, Zavdoveev AV, Poyda VP, Bryukhovetskiy VV, Milaya DE. Features of the grain boundary sliding development under conditions of superplasticity in an alloy with bimodal structure. 2016 ;(2):54-61.
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Stokes vector modulation characteristics of optical radiation at the compression-tension deformations of yttrium ferrite garnet films on a nonmagnetic substrate Shevchenko TI, Linchevskyi IV. Stokes vector modulation characteristics of optical radiation at the compression-tension deformations of yttrium ferrite garnet films on a nonmagnetic substrate. Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. 2015 ;(11):61-65.