The quantum-mechanical movement of an electron in crossed uniform electric and magnetic fields Miroshnichenko VI, Lebedynskyi SO. The quantum-mechanical movement of an electron in crossed uniform electric and magnetic fields. Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. 2014 ;(11):72-76.
Direct calculation of the dimerization constant of water molecules for a dense water vapor Bulavin LA, Makhlaichuk PV, Khrapatiy SV. Direct calculation of the dimerization constant of water molecules for a dense water vapor. Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. 2014 ;(11):66-71.
Interaction of adsorbed barium atoms with the surface of nanothick chromium oxide films Zasimovich IN, Klimenko EV, Starovojtova LN, Naumovets AG. Interaction of adsorbed barium atoms with the surface of nanothick chromium oxide films. Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. 2015 ;(9):59-66.
Partial ionization cross-sections of rubidium atom by electron impact Roman VI, Kupliauskiene AV, Borovik AA. Partial ionization cross-sections of rubidium atom by electron impact. Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. 2015 ;(8):79-83.
Effect of molecular weight on the properties of polyethylene glycol doped by multiwalled carbon nanotubes Bulavin LA, Melnyk IA, Goncharuk AI, Klepko VV, Lebovka NI, Lysenkov EA. Effect of molecular weight on the properties of polyethylene glycol doped by multiwalled carbon nanotubes. Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. 2015 ;(8):72-78.
Nanostructurization of Si and GaAs by acoustic cavitation in liquid nitrogen Savkina RK, Smirnov AB. Nanostructurization of Si and GaAs by acoustic cavitation in liquid nitrogen. Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. 2015 ;(7):70-78.
Experimental proof of the shape constancy for isoenergetic ellipsoids in n–Ge under strong uniaxial elastic deformation Gaidar GP, Baranskii PI. Experimental proof of the shape constancy for isoenergetic ellipsoids in n–Ge under strong uniaxial elastic deformation. Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. 2015 ;(6):68-73.
Simulation of the formation of a coffee ring structure during drying a droplet containing suspended particles Bulavin LA, Khrapatiy SV, Lebovka NI, Vygornitskii NV, Pyvovarova NS. Simulation of the formation of a coffee ring structure during drying a droplet containing suspended particles. Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. 2014 ;(12):71-76.
Natural source of highly enriched lead-208 in Ukraine for nuclear power industry Valter AA, Storiszko VYe., Andreev AV, Pavljuk VN, Pisansky AI. Natural source of highly enriched lead-208 in Ukraine for nuclear power industry. Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. 2015 ;(5):61-70.
Spin states of quasi-two-dimensional electrons Eremko AA. Spin states of quasi-two-dimensional electrons. Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. 2015 ;(4):64-69.