Influence of the high-temperature annealing on the anisotropy parameters of mobility and the anisotropy of the thermoelectromotive-drag of electrons by phonons in n−Si

TitleInfluence of the high-temperature annealing on the anisotropy parameters of mobility and the anisotropy of the thermoelectromotive-drag of electrons by phonons in n−Si
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsBaranskii, PI, Gaidar, GP
Abbreviated Key TitleDopov. Nac. akad. nauk Ukr.
Date Published5/2014
In the experiments with crystals of $n{-}{\rm Si}$ doped with impurities of phosphorus through the melt and by the nuclear transmutation, the influence of the high-temperature annealing (at $T=1200$ $^\circ\!$C during 2 h) on the anisotropy parameter of mobility $K=\mu_\bot/\mu_{\|} $ and on the anisotropy parameter of the thermoelectromotive-drag of electrons by phonons $M=\alpha_{\|}^{\text{ph}} /\alpha_\bot^{\text{ph}}$ is investigated. It is shown that, in silicon crystals doped through the melt, the thermoannealing leads to a marked reduction in the value of M, whereas the value of this parameter increases by about 1.5 times in transmutation-doped samples. It is found that the anisotropy parameter of mobility K in the crystals of both types remains almost unchanged. The explanation of the results obtained is proposed.
Keywordsanisotropy, high-temperature annealing, phonons, thermoelectromotive-drag

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