The large Novoignatievien dyke of andesite porphyrites as an indicator for the fault-block tectonics and the deep structure for the Donbas and Near-Azovian junction zone

TitleThe large Novoignatievien dyke of andesite porphyrites as an indicator for the fault-block tectonics and the deep structure for the Donbas and Near-Azovian junction zone
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsShatalov, NN
Abbreviated Key TitleDopov. Nac. akad. nauk Ukr.
Date Published5/2014

The large dyke of andesite porphyrites as an indicator of the fault-block tectonics and the deep structure of the Donbas and Near-Azovian junction zone has been studied. The structural geological position of the Novoignatievien dyke, its features, and the conformity with the fault intersection node for the orthogonal and diagonal systems are defined. The possible depths of andesite magma formation are considered.

KeywordsDonbas, indicator, junction zone, Near-Azovian, Novoignatievien dyke, tectonics

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