On the structure of some modules over generalized soluble groups

TitleOn the structure of some modules over generalized soluble groups
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsKurdachenko, LA, Subbotin, IYa., Chupordya, VA
Abbreviated Key TitleDopov. Nac. akad. nauk Ukr.
Date Published5/2014

Let R be a ring, G be a group, and A be an RG-module. We say that A is a minimax-antifinitary RG-module if the factor-module A/CA(H) is minimax as an R-module for each not finitely generated proper subgroup H, and the R-module A/CA(G) is not minimax. The minimax-antifinitary modules over the group ring RG, where R = Z is the ring of all integers and G is the locally generalized radical group, are studied.

Keywordsmodules, soluble groups, structure

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