Mechanical and tribotechnical properties of detonation coatings of a composite on the basis of Ti–Cr carbide

TitleMechanical and tribotechnical properties of detonation coatings of a composite on the basis of Ti–Cr carbide
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsKonoval, VP, Akopyan, VV, Kostenko, AD, Galtsov, KN, Mosina, TV
Abbreviated Key TitleDopov. Nac. akad. nauk Ukr.
SectionMaterials Science
Date Published4/2015

The coatings of titanium-chromium-carbide-based composite powders have been deposited on a structural steel by the detonation method. The technological properties of the powders for spraying, as well as the composition, structure, and mechanical and tribotechnical properties of the coatings, have been studied. The obtained coatings have heterophase fine structure with uniform phase distribution, high wear-resistance (I = 2 ÷ 3 mkm/km) under dry friction-sliding condition at loads up to 2 MPa.

Keywordscarbide, composite, detonation coatings, Ti–Cr

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