Title | New compounds Sr2LnBIIISnO7 (BIII – Sc, In) with two-layer perovskite-like structure |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2015 |
Authors | Titov, Yu.A, Belyavina, NM, Markiv, VYa., Slobodyanik, MS, Polubinskii, VV |
Abbreviated Key Title | Dopov. Nac. akad. nauk Ukr. |
DOI | 10.15407/dopovidi2015.04.117 |
Issue | 4 |
Section | Chemistry |
Pagination | 117-122 |
Date Published | 4/2015 |
Language | Ukrainian |
Abstract | The boundaries of regions with layered perovskite-like structure (LPS) in the rows of compounds Sr2LnBIIISnO7-type (BIII – Sc, In) are determined. The new scandatostannates Sr2LnScSnO7 (Ln – La, Pr) and indatostannates Sr2LaInSnO7 (Ln – La, Pr) have been synthesized by the solid-phase sintering from equimolar mixtures Sr3Sn2O7SrLn2Sc2O7 and Sr2SnO4 + LnInO3, and their crystal LPSs are determined by the Rietveld method. It is found that the LPS of Sr2LaScSnO7 belongs to the SrLn2Sc2O7-type structure (sp. gr. Fmmm), and the LPSs of Sr2PrScSnO7 and Sr2LnInSnO7 belong to the BaLa2In2O7-type structure (sp. gr. P42/mnm). The peculiarities of LPSs of Sr2LnBIIISnO7 (BIII – Sc, In) are analyzed. |
Keywords | compounds Sr2LnBIIISnO7 (BIII – Sc; In), perovskite-like structure, structure, two-layer |
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