Fermentative activity of mRNP-structures from plants infected by plus- and minus-genome phytorhabdoviruses of potato

TitleFermentative activity of mRNP-structures from plants infected by plus- and minus-genome phytorhabdoviruses of potato
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsParkhomenko, NI, Maksimenko, LA, Didenko, LF
Abbreviated Key TitleDopov. Nac. akad. nauk Ukr.
Date Published4/2015

It is shown that the synthesis of virus proteins in a free cell system is carried out mainly by free and membrane-associated polysomal mRNP. But the most incorporation of a label has been noticed in the membrane-associated nonpolysomal mRNP from plants infected by curly potato dwarf virus and potato virus X. It is assumed that these membrane-associated structures have polymerase and can actively synthesize RNA and proteins in a free cell system. This tendency is noted for mRNP isolated from plants infected by (−)-genome curly potato dwarf virus and by (+)-genome potato virus X. The most replicase activity of mRNP structures has been found in the replicative system in vitro containing membrane-associated structures.

Keywordsfermentative activity, phytorhabdovirus, potato

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