Application of the electron paramagnetic resonance to assess the functional activity of the respiratory chain of rates' hepatocyte mitochondria under artificial hypobiosis

TitleApplication of the electron paramagnetic resonance to assess the functional activity of the respiratory chain of rates' hepatocyte mitochondria under artificial hypobiosis
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsMelnytchuk, SD, Khyzhnyak, SV, Nardid, OA, Cherkashyna, Ya.O, Morozova, VS, Repina, SV, Voitsitsky, VM
Abbreviated Key TitleDopov. Nac. akad. nauk Ukr.
Date Published4/2015

The activity of oxidation-reduction reactions of the electron transport chain of the hepatocytes mitochondria by the electron paramagnetic resonance spin probe (TEMPON) is investigated. It is established that the temperature dependence of the functioning of the mitochondria electron transport chain under the artificial hypobiosis is similar to the control by the constant value of recovery spin probe rate. The reducing of the recovery rate constant at the proceeding from the hypobiosis state indicates a decrease of the activity of oxidation-reduction reactions of the electron transport chain, perhaps, due to structural modifications of the inner mitochondria membrane of hepatocytes under these conditions.

Keywordselectron paramagnetic resonance, hepatocytes, hypobiosis, rate

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