Title | Fluctuations of the abundance and diversity of mollusca — the basic property of benthic associations in the Utlyukskij liman |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2016 |
Authors | Degtyarenko, EV, Anistratenko, VV, Khaliman, IA |
Abbreviated Key Title | Dopov. Nac. akad. nauk Ukr. |
DOI | 10.15407/dopovidi2016.08.109 |
Issue | 8 |
Section | Biology |
Pagination | 109-115 |
Date Published | 8/2016 |
Language | Russian |
Abstract | Phylum Mollusca are represented in the Utlyukskij liman by 63 species, of which 43 belong to class Gastropoda and 20 species to class Bivalvia. Background groups of mollusca within the Utlyukskij liman are irregularly distributed, and each region has a slightly expressed specificity. Data obtained reveal the existence of a weak relationship between the composition of mollusca associations and the bottom character. The presence of a sufficiently stable "core" of malacofauna of the entire liman is noted; while the composition of mollusca associations in particular areas reflects the specificity of local hydrological conditions. Both quantitative and qualitative characters of mollusca associations are extremely inconstant in the Utlyukskij liman within the same region and even within the same station: the structure and the proportion of mollusca groups are changing in a very short time. |
Keywords | distribution, fauna, mollusca, the Sea of Azov, Utlyukskij liman |
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