Ecotopic transformations of steppe ecosystems under the influence of climate changes in the second half of the XX century and in the early XXI century

TitleEcotopic transformations of steppe ecosystems under the influence of climate changes in the second half of the XX century and in the early XXI century
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsTkachenko, VS, Boychenko, SG
Abbreviated Key TitleDopov. Nac. akad. nauk Ukr.
Date Published11/2017

On the basis of the analysis of long chronographs of the phytocenotic and cartographic monitoring carried out on the basis of ten reserve-steppe areas of Ukraine, rapid structural changes in phytosystems were established due to changes in ecotopic characteristics of habitats. These indicators were determined by the method of synphytoindication and ordinational analysis of steppe biotopes. Almost all changes are based on edaphic factors (soil moistening regime, soil carbonation, their trophicity, mineral nitrogen content, and acidity) and, to a less extent, on climatic ones (thermal regime, frostiness, continentality and humidity of climate), which had a definite influence on the transformation of phytosystems and ecotopes. Of all the ecofactors, the most influential in the steppe zone of Ukraine is the moisture supply factor, with the participation of which a plume of changes is formed in all spheres of steppe ecosystems (hydrogenic dynamism, mesophytization, herbification of grass, washing regime of soils, penetration of lignogenic ecobiomorphs, etc.). Among the climatic ecofactors, a noticeable effect on the steppe is rendered by changes in the seasonal temperature course, weakening of continentality, and growth of humid climate.

Keywordsadaptation, changes in the thermal and humid regime, phytocenotic monitoring, reserve-steppe areas, synphytoindication, trends
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