Title | Comparative physical chemical stability of composition systems of hydroxyapatite/polyethyleneglycol 400 and 6000 in biological media |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2017 |
Authors | Boshytska, NV, Protsenko, LS, Budilina, ON, Kaplunenko, NV, Uvarova, IV |
Abbreviated Key Title | Dopov. Nac. akad. nauk Ukr. |
DOI | 10.15407/dopovidi2017.08.043 |
Issue | 8 |
Section | Materials Science |
Pagination | 43-50 |
Date Published | 8/2017 |
Language | Ukrainian |
Abstract | Interaction of composite systems on the bases of hydroxyapatite and polyethylene glycol (HAP + PEG) with molecular weights of 400 and 6000 with physiological Ringer and Ringer-Locke solution of NaCl has been investigated. By the methods of chemical analysis, it is established that the HAP + PEG 400 composite system interacts with biological media liberating calcium from a material step-by-step. The powder HAP + PEG 6000 system remains chemically stable during 100 h. By IR-spectroscopy, it is demonstrated that the spectrogram of surfaces of HAP + PEG 400 and HAP + PEG 6000 samples after the interaction with physiological solutions during 100 h contains valence vibrations in a range corresponding to the PEG presence. It can be supposed that the chemical activity of HAP + PEG 400 material relative to calcium and the prolonged presence of polyethylene glycol in the biological media help a reduction in both mineral metabolism and nervous impulses at bone defects. It is shown that the composite HAP + PEG 400 system is promising for the future development of materials for orthopedic applications. |
Keywords | chemical stability, hydroxyapatite, physiological solution, polyethylene glycol, surface |
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