Comparative physical chemical stability of composition systems of hydroxyapatite/polyethyleneglycol 400 and 6000 in biological media

TitleComparative physical chemical stability of composition systems of hydroxyapatite/polyethyleneglycol 400 and 6000 in biological media
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsBoshytska, NV, Protsenko, LS, Budilina, ON, Kaplunenko, NV, Uvarova, IV
Abbreviated Key TitleDopov. Nac. akad. nauk Ukr.
SectionMaterials Science
Date Published8/2017

Interaction of composite systems on the bases of hydroxyapatite and polyethylene glycol (HAP + PEG) with molecular weights of 400 and 6000 with physiological Ringer and Ringer-Locke solution of NaCl has been investigated. By the methods of chemical analysis, it is established that the HAP + PEG 400 composite system interacts with biological media liberating calcium from a material step-by-step. The powder HAP + PEG 6000 system remains chemically stable during 100 h. By IR-spectroscopy, it is demonstrated that the spectrogram of surfaces of HAP + PEG 400 and HAP + PEG 6000 samples after the interaction with physiological solutions during 100 h contains valence vibrations in a range corresponding to the PEG presence. It can be supposed that the chemical activity of HAP + PEG 400 material relative to calcium and the prolonged presence of polyethylene glycol in the biological media help a reduction in both mineral metabolism and nervous impulses at bone defects. It is shown that the composite HAP + PEG 400 system is promising for the future development of materials for orthopedic applications.

Keywordschemical stability, hydroxyapatite, physiological solution, polyethylene glycol, surface
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