U-Pb age of two-feldspar granite of the Vishnevoe massif of the Slavgorod block (Middle-Dnieper megablock of the Ukrainian Shield)

TitleU-Pb age of two-feldspar granite of the Vishnevoe massif of the Slavgorod block (Middle-Dnieper megablock of the Ukrainian Shield)
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsArtemenko, GV, Samborska, IA, Gogolev, KI, Vysotsky, AB
Abbreviated Key TitleDopov. Nac. akad. nauk Ukr.
Date Published8/2017

It is determined, that two-feldspar granites of the Vishnevoe massif of the Slavgorod block are the most ancient crustal granites in the Middle-Dnieper granite-greenstone terrane. Their isotopic age for monazite — 2985 Ma. They are close in age with enderbites of the Slavgorod complex (3014 ± 7 Ma) and granodiorites of the Dnieper complex (2972 ± 6 Ma) on the Slavgorod block, indicating their formation within a short time interval, probably as a result of the plume rise about 3000 Ma ago. Plagiogranitoids were formed by the partial melting of a mafic source, and two-feldspar granites by the partial melting of the older gneiss basement.

KeywordsDemuryno complex, monazite, Slavgorod block, two-feldspar granite, Ukrainian Shield, Vyshnevoe massif
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