On the development of small-scale plastic strips from the point of intersection of microplastic deformation lines

TitleOn the development of small-scale plastic strips from the point of intersection of microplastic deformation lines
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsKaminsky, AA, Kipnis, LA, Polischuk, TV
Abbreviated Key TitleDopov. Nac. akad. nauk Ukr.
Date Published01/2019

The small-scale plastic prefracture zone at the point of intersection of microplastic deformation lines is determined. The problem on the plastic zone is reduced to the symmetric problem of the theory of elasticity for a
plane with four straight tangential displacement rupture lines emerging from its point. Two of them are semiinfinite, and two have a finite length. The exact solution of the problem is constructed by the Wiener—Hopf method.

Keywordsintersection of microplastic deformation lines, small-scale plastic prefracture zone, tangential displacement rupture lines, Wiener—Hopf method

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