Tectonic preconditions of the technological and natural catastrophe in the city of Dnepr

TitleTectonic preconditions of the technological and natural catastrophe in the city of Dnepr
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsShatalov, NN
Abbreviated Key TitleDopov. Nac. akad. nauk Ukr.
Date Published02/2019

The analysis of aerospace, structuralgeological, geomorphological, and terrestrial information indicates a clear manifestation of modern differentiated tectonic movements of Earth’s crust in the southern part of the city of Dnepr from 1960 to the present. The spatiotemporal inversion activity of faults reflects the dynamics of the geoblocks of the crystalline basement and the sedimentary cover at the stage of modern relief formation, the formation of a ravinegully network, and plateau destruction. It has been established that the activation of predominantly vertical tectonic movements is clearly correlated with active landslide processes in the Counter, Tunnel, and Evpatoria beams. The modern tectonic activity of the block structures of the basement and sedimentary cover, the construction of a large urban agglomeration, and the overload of the watershed plateau by man led to the naturalmanmade disaster on the Topol1 railway station in June 1997.

Keywordsdisaster, interglobe plateau, landslide, loess, satellite images, tectonics

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