The process of release of the active substance from a model composite system based on black tea and silica

TitleThe process of release of the active substance from a model composite system based on black tea and silica
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsKlymenko, NYu., Krupska, TV, Turov, VV
Abbreviated Key TitleDopov. Nac. akad. nauk Ukr.
Date Published1/2020

Composite systems based on hydrophilic silica and a mixture of hydrophilic and hydrophobic silica with different bulk densities (45, 175, 300 g/l) and black tea are investigated. It is found that, with increasing the tea con centration, the optical density of a solution increases linearly. It is shown that tea components can be adsorbed on hydrophilic silica in an amount not exceeding 0.002 g/g. It is determined that the formed composite systems have two stages of release of active substances (fast and slow ones), which conditionates their prolon ged action. Due to the interaction of silica particles and the cellulosic matrix of medicinal plants, it is possible to control and to widely regulate the desorption process, by changing the physicochemical parameters of the desorption process and the bulk density of composite systems and by using hydrophobic silica additives. The effect of readsorp tion of biologically active substances in interparticle gaps of the composite system is found. It has been sug gested that this effect can be used to create composite systems of a new generation suitable for the treatment of various diseases.

Keywordsblack tea, composite systems, desorption, silica, UV spectroscopy

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