Title | On the influence of a layer of the ideal compressible fluid on the surface instability of the incompressible elastic halfspace exposed to finite initial deformations |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2020 |
Authors | Bagno, AM |
Abbreviated Key Title | Dopov. Nac. akad. nauk Ukr. |
DOI | 10.15407/dopovidi2020.01.024 |
Issue | 1 |
Section | Mechanics |
Pagination | 24-32 |
Date Published | 1/2020 |
Language | Russian |
Abstract | The problem of propagation of normal waves in the predeformed incompressible elastic halfspace that interacts with a layer of an ideal compressible fluid is considered. The study is based on the threedimensional linearized equations of the theory of elasticity of finite deformations for the incompressible elastic halfspace and the threedimensional linearized Euler equations for a layer of the ideal compressible fluid. The problem formulation and the approach based on the utilization of representations of general solutions of the linearized equations for an elastic solid and the fluid are applied. A dispersion equation, which describes the propagation of harmonic waves in a hydroelastic system is obtained. The dispersion curve for a surface wave over a wide range of frequencies is constructed. The effect of finite initial deformations of the elastic halfspace and the thickness of the layer of the ideal compressible fluid on the phase velocities, dispersion of surface waves, and surface instability of a hydroelastic waveguide is analyzed. The numerical results are presented in the form of graphs, and their analysis is given. |
Keywords | finite initial deformations, incompressible elastic halfspace, layer of the ideal compressible fluid, phase velocity, surface instability, surface waves |
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