An efficient computational method for mesoscale weather forecasting

TitleAn efficient computational method for mesoscale weather forecasting
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsPrusov, VA, Doroshenko, AY
Abbreviated Key TitleDopov. Nac. akad. nauk Ukr.
SectionInformation Science and Cybernetics
Date Published3/2020
Language English

Mathematical problems associated with the numerical solution of equations for the predictive models of regional atmospheric circulation are considered. A methodology is considered for effective regional solutions of boundary- value problems with a prehistory on the basis of the “one-way interaction” approach. Within this approach, a method is proposed for filling the data given on the macroscale grid nodes in the mesoscale network based on the spline interpolation and a precise (the fourth-order of accuracy) numerical method for the approximation of the first- and second-order derivatives in differential equations. Thereby, solving problems for ordinary differential equations can be carried out effectively by the interpolation.

Keywordsdifferential equations, interpolation, mesoscale weather forecasting

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