Influence of carbon monoxide (CO) donor on heat resistance of wheat plantlets and generation of reactive oxygen species by them Shkliarevskyi MA, Kolupaev Yu.E, Karpets Yu.V, Shvidenko MV, Dmitriev OP. Influence of carbon monoxide (CO) donor on heat resistance of wheat plantlets and generation of reactive oxygen species by them. 2020 ;(8):73-80.
Involvement of nitric oxide in the response of plantcells microtubules to the action of high temperature Plokhovska SH, Yemets АI, Blume Ya.B. Involvement of nitric oxide in the response of plantcells microtubules to the action of high temperature. 2020 ;(8):66-72.
Callusogenesis features of anthocyanin contrasting varieties of Lactuca sativa L Pryimak YV, Smirnov OE, Taran NY, Schwartau VV. Callusogenesis features of anthocyanin contrasting varieties of Lactuca sativa L. 2020 ;(7):94-100.
Cytogenetic effects in mixed culture of blood cells from patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia with blood lymphocytes of healthy individuals Pilinska MA, Shemetun OV, Talan OA, Dibska OB, Kravchenko SM, Sholoiko VV. Cytogenetic effects in mixed culture of blood cells from patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia with blood lymphocytes of healthy individuals. 2020 ;(7):86-93.
The obtaining of wheat plants with yeast genes of trehalose biosynthesis TPS1 and TPS2 Kvasko AY, Isayenkov SV, Dmytruk KV, Yemets AI. The obtaining of wheat plants with yeast genes of trehalose biosynthesis TPS1 and TPS2. 2020 ;(6):92-100.
RNA-binding protein SAM68 interacts with endocytic proteins and actin cytoskeleton modulators Pankivskyi SV, Senchenko NV, Busko PB, Rynditch AV. RNA-binding protein SAM68 interacts with endocytic proteins and actin cytoskeleton modulators. 2020 ;(5):103-109.
Tomato lines expressing human lactoferrin gene are characterized by enhanced resistance to late blight Buziashvili АY, Cherednichenko LМ, Kropyvko SV, Yemets АІ. Tomato lines expressing human lactoferrin gene are characterized by enhanced resistance to late blight. 2020 ;(5):95-102.
Temperature, osmolality, and glucose determine the erythrocyte resistance to post-hypertonic stress Semionova KA, Nipot OE, Yershova NA, Shapkina OО, Shpakova NM. Temperature, osmolality, and glucose determine the erythrocyte resistance to post-hypertonic stress. 2020 ;(4):99-106.
Individual features of radiation-induced genomic instability in patients with glioblastoma Zemskova OV, Glavatsky OY, Kurinnyi DA, Demchenko OM, Rushkovsky SR. Individual features of radiation-induced genomic instability in patients with glioblastoma. 2020 ;(4):91-98.
Bioclimatic modeling of the European distribution of the invasive Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes (Stegomyia) albopictus (Skuse, 1895), with special reference to Ukraine Kozynenko II, Tytar VM. Bioclimatic modeling of the European distribution of the invasive Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes (Stegomyia) albopictus (Skuse, 1895), with special reference to Ukraine. 2020 ;(3):88-93.