The problem of trichinellosis among wild animals in Ukraine and the danger to the public Akimov IA, Didyk YM. The problem of trichinellosis among wild animals in Ukraine and the danger to the public. 2020 ;(3):82-87.
Bioclimatic modeling of the distribution of brown marmorated stink bug Halyomorpha halys (Stål, 1855), with special reference to Ukraine Tytar VM, Kozynenko II. Bioclimatic modeling of the distribution of brown marmorated stink bug Halyomorpha halys (Stål, 1855), with special reference to Ukraine. 2020 ;(2):82-86.
Reproductive advantage of parthenogenetic earthworm Aporrectodea trapezoides over the parental amphymictic species A. caliginosa (Oligochaeta, Lumbricidae) Mezhzherin SV, Chaika YY, Zhalay EI. Reproductive advantage of parthenogenetic earthworm Aporrectodea trapezoides over the parental amphymictic species A. caliginosa (Oligochaeta, Lumbricidae). 2020 ;(2):76-81.
Structural mechanisms of interaction of triphosphorylated 2'- 5'- triadenylates with S100A1 protein Skorobogatov OYu., Zhukov IYu., Tkachuk ZYu. Structural mechanisms of interaction of triphosphorylated 2'- 5'- triadenylates with S100A1 protein. 2020 ;(1):89-94.
Introduction and protection ex situ of the Caucasian floristic diversity in Ukraine Melnyk VI, Didenko SJ. Introduction and protection ex situ of the Caucasian floristic diversity in Ukraine. 2020 ;(1):79-88.
Relative biological efficiency of ionizing radiation that is used in radiation therapy of cancer patients Domina EA. Relative biological efficiency of ionizing radiation that is used in radiation therapy of cancer patients. 2019 ;(12):101-107.
С60 fullerene inhibits the deve lopment of inflammation and alteration of hematopoiesis in experimental chronic cholangitis Byelinska IV, Kuznietsova HM, Dziubenko NV, Hutsaliuk MA, Rybalchenko TV, Prylutska SV, Rybalchenko VK. С60 fullerene inhibits the deve lopment of inflammation and alteration of hematopoiesis in experimental chronic cholangitis. 2019 ;(12):91-100.
Effect of zinc treatment on growth and phytohormones accumulation in Triticum aestivum L. seedlings priming with abscisic acid Kosakivska IV, Voуtenko LV, Vasjuk VA, Shcherbatiuk MM. Effect of zinc treatment on growth and phytohormones accumulation in Triticum aestivum L. seedlings priming with abscisic acid. 2019 ;(11):93-99.
Normalizing effect of composite “Lymphosilica” on biochemical parameters of blood and manifestation of metabolic syndrome Ostrovska GV, Pazyuk LM, Krupska TV, Roslova NМ, Tkachenko ОV, Turov VV, Dzerzhynsky ME. Normalizing effect of composite “Lymphosilica” on biochemical parameters of blood and manifestation of metabolic syndrome. 2019 ;(11):81-92.
Zone of genetic instability in polyploide hybrid spined loaches (Cypriniformes, Cobitidae, Cobitis) in the Middle Dnieper Mezhzherin SV, Tsyba AA, Saliy TV, Lutcenko DS. Zone of genetic instability in polyploide hybrid spined loaches (Cypriniformes, Cobitidae, Cobitis) in the Middle Dnieper. 2019 ;(10):97-103.