Characteristic of KEY-like bacteriophages of Erwinia amylovora Boyko AA, Zhuminska GI, Kushkina AI, Ivanytsya VO, Tovkach FI. Characteristic of KEY-like bacteriophages of Erwinia amylovora. 2017 ;(12):97-103.
Life potential of amphimictic and apomictic spined loaches (Cypriniformes, Cobitidae, Cobitis): comparisons by the invasion by bloodfish parasites and the number of nuclear fragmentations Mezhzherin SV, Saliy TV, Tsyba AA, Losev AA. Life potential of amphimictic and apomictic spined loaches (Cypriniformes, Cobitidae, Cobitis): comparisons by the invasion by bloodfish parasites and the number of nuclear fragmentations. 2017 ;(11):83-89.
Prospects of application of a siliceous organo-mineral mixture to reduce the soil sickness in orchards Zaimenko NV, Pavliuchenko NA, Ellans'ka NE, Yunosheva OP, Ivanyts'ka BO, Kharytonova IP, Didyk NP, Rositska NV. Prospects of application of a siliceous organo-mineral mixture to reduce the soil sickness in orchards. 2017 ;(11):76-82.
Morphological and functional peculiarities of human sperm from inhabitants of radiation-polluted territories of Ukraine Klepko AV, Gorban LV, Motryna OA, Sakovska LV, Andreychenko SV. Morphological and functional peculiarities of human sperm from inhabitants of radiation-polluted territories of Ukraine. 2017 ;(8):94-101.
Study of the interaction between mannitol and nucleosides using fluorescent probe Shchodryi VB, Kachkovskyi OD, Slominskyi Yu.L, Shaudyk Ye.O, Tkachuk Ze.Yu. Study of the interaction between mannitol and nucleosides using fluorescent probe. 2017 ;(7):85-90.
Induction of NO synthesis in roots of wheat plantlets and development of their heat resistance by exogenous L-arginine and nitrate Karpets Yu.V, Kolupaev Yu.E, Dmitriev AP. Induction of NO synthesis in roots of wheat plantlets and development of their heat resistance by exogenous L-arginine and nitrate. 2017 ;(7):77-84.
Immunological reactions of rats to the transplantation of alginate microcapsules Pasteur IP, Baranova LA, Dmytrukha NM, Lahutina OS. Immunological reactions of rats to the transplantation of alginate microcapsules. 2017 ;(6):88-95.
Genomics and virion DNA structure of temperate erwiniophages 49 and 59 Zlatohurska MA, Tovkach FI. Genomics and virion DNA structure of temperate erwiniophages 49 and 59. 2017 ;(6):82-87.
Modulatory effects of sodium glutamate on functions of rat's circulating phagocytic cells in vivo and in vitro Rudyk MP, Pozur VV, Opeida IV, Voieikova DO, Khranovska NM, Fedorchuk OG, Berehova TV, Ostapchenko LI. Modulatory effects of sodium glutamate on functions of rat's circulating phagocytic cells in vivo and in vitro. 2017 ;(5):89-97.
Efficient mechanism of DNA repair stabilizes genome of Arabidopsis thaliana from the Chernobyl zone Shevchenko GV, Talalaiev OS. Efficient mechanism of DNA repair stabilizes genome of Arabidopsis thaliana from the Chernobyl zone. 2017 ;(4):84-90.