Effects of milk thistle and flaxseed oils obtained by the methods of cold and hot pressings on the state of colon under acute colitis in rats Kuznietsova HM, Denis EO, Moskalets TZ, Rybalchenko VK. Effects of milk thistle and flaxseed oils obtained by the methods of cold and hot pressings on the state of colon under acute colitis in rats. 2017 ;(3):85-91.
Ozone-induced chemiluminescence of uranine in the presence of blood plasma Zinchenko VD, Goriacha IP, Golovina KN, Kiriyenko AN, Topchiy II. Ozone-induced chemiluminescence of uranine in the presence of blood plasma. 2017 ;(3):78-84.
Study of products of the interaction of RNA with mannitol, by using the pyrolytic mass spectrometry method Shchodryi VB, Kozlov OV, Rybenchuk AO, Boyko VV, Bortnitskiy VI, Rybov SV, Tkachuk ZYu. Study of products of the interaction of RNA with mannitol, by using the pyrolytic mass spectrometry method. 2017 ;(2):79-87.
Effect of fumed silicas and their mixtures on the germination of winter wheat Golovan AP, Krupska TV, Siora IV, Klymenko NYu., Novikova OA, Turov VV. Effect of fumed silicas and their mixtures on the germination of winter wheat. 2017 ;(2):72-78.
Phospholipid composition of some tissues of carp and pike under the influence of Fe3+ ions Rabchenuk OO, Khomenchuk VO, Kurant VZ, Grubinko VV. Phospholipid composition of some tissues of carp and pike under the influence of Fe3+ ions. 2017 ;(1):97-102.
Artificial glycan-glycolipid complexes as antiviral means and effectors of microbial formulation on the base of rhizobia Kovalenko OG, Vasilev VM, Adamchuk-Chala NI, Tytova LV, Karpenko EV. Artificial glycan-glycolipid complexes as antiviral means and effectors of microbial formulation on the base of rhizobia. 2017 ;(1):88-96.
The relation between the serological similarity of proteins and the adsorption of particles of Pectobacterium carotovorum J2 bacteriocins and bacteriophage ZF40 Maksymenko LA, Romaniuk LV. The relation between the serological similarity of proteins and the adsorption of particles of Pectobacterium carotovorum J2 bacteriocins and bacteriophage ZF40. 2016 ;(12):90-95.
Comparison of the impacts of cytostatic compounds of maleimide derivative and 5-fluorouracil on the morphofunctional status of rat's liver under conditions of colon carcinogenesis Danylov MO, Ostrovska GV, Rybalchenko VK. Comparison of the impacts of cytostatic compounds of maleimide derivative and 5-fluorouracil on the morphofunctional status of rat's liver under conditions of colon carcinogenesis. 2014 ;(7):140-144.
Situation of the increasing pressure of genetic abnormalities in a diploid-polyploid of population spined loaches (Cypriniformes, Cobitidae, Cobitis) Mezhzherin SV, Tsyba AA, Mezhzherina DS, Pukhtaevitch PP. Situation of the increasing pressure of genetic abnormalities in a diploid-polyploid of population spined loaches (Cypriniformes, Cobitidae, Cobitis). 2014 ;(6):140-145.
The analysis of methods for assessing the methylation of cytosine residues in the DNA sample of monocarpic plant Linum usitatissimum Berestyanaya AN. The analysis of methods for assessing the methylation of cytosine residues in the DNA sample of monocarpic plant Linum usitatissimum. 2014 ;(6):133-139.