Electrodialysis desalination and limiting concentration of highly mineralized waters Kucheruk DD, Deremeshko LA, Balakina MN, Pischay IY, Remez SV, Goncharuk VV. Electrodialysis desalination and limiting concentration of highly mineralized waters. 2020 ;(12):104-110.
Water purification from heavy metal ions by nano-sized Fe0/kaolinite composites Kovalchuk IA, Tobilko VY, Bondarieva AI, Kholodko YM, Kornilovych BYu. Water purification from heavy metal ions by nano-sized Fe0/kaolinite composites. 2020 ;(11):96-103.
137Cs circulation in forest ecosystems on the territory of the Chernobyl exclusion zone (Soil) Zarubina NY. 137Cs circulation in forest ecosystems on the territory of the Chernobyl exclusion zone (Soil). 2020 ;(10):85-92.
Hydrograph fore - cas ting using the SWAT model (Soil and Water As sessment Tool) on the example of the Desna basin Osypov VV, Speka OS, Osadchyi VI, Osadcha NM, Bonchkovskyi AS. Hydrograph fore - cas ting using the SWAT model (Soil and Water As sessment Tool) on the example of the Desna basin. 2020 ;(9):98-107.
About couses for the in su lar localization of spruce forests in Polissya Melnyk VI. About couses for the in su lar localization of spruce forests in Polissya. 2020 ;(9):86-97.
Effects of exogenous bacterial quorum sensing signal molecule (messenger) N-hexanoyl-L-homoserine lactone (C6-HSL) on morphological and physiological responses of winter wheat under simulated acid rain Kosakivska IV, Babenko LM, Romanenko КО, Futorna OA. Effects of exogenous bacterial quorum sensing signal molecule (messenger) N-hexanoyl-L-homoserine lactone (C6-HSL) on morphological and physiological responses of winter wheat under simulated acid rain. 2020 ;(8):92-100.
Water purifica tion from hydroxocompounds of copper by micro filtration tubular membranes from natural mate rials Dulneva TYu., Deremeshko LA, Baranov AI, Kucheruk DD, Goncharuk VV. Water purifica tion from hydroxocompounds of copper by micro filtration tubular membranes from natural mate rials. 2020 ;(6):101-108.
Ecological differentiation as a factor of plant coexistence in the lower layers of forest phytocenoses Kovalenko IM. Ecological differentiation as a factor of plant coexistence in the lower layers of forest phytocenoses. 2020 ;(3):100-107.
Stress temperature and soil drought effects on amino acid composition in winter wheat Babenko LM, Romanenko KO, Kosakivska IV. Stress temperature and soil drought effects on amino acid composition in winter wheat. 2020 ;(2):87-92.
Water purification from hydroxo com pounds of iron on wood membranes Dulneva TYu., Kucheruk DD, Ievleva OS, Goncharuk VV. Water purification from hydroxo com pounds of iron on wood membranes. 2019 ;(12):108-113.