Limitations of the pseudoinverse method for the control over linear connected memoryless plants: guaranteed results Gritsenko VI, Zhiteckii LS, Solovchuk KYu. Limitations of the pseudoinverse method for the control over linear connected memoryless plants: guaranteed results. 2019 ;(8):16-24.
Reduction of the complexity of models of network structures and systems Polishchuk OD. Reduction of the complexity of models of network structures and systems. 2019 ;(6):12-18.
Convergence of the Bregman extragradient method Vedel YI, Denisov SV, Semenov VV. Convergence of the Bregman extragradient method. 2019 ;(5):18-23.
B&B method for discrete partial order and quasiorder optimizations Norkin VI. B&B method for discrete partial order and quasiorder optimizations. 2019 ;(1):16-22.
Convergence of inertial hybrid splitting algorithms Semenov VV. Convergence of inertial hybrid splitting algorithms. 2018 ;(12):30-36.
Computer modeling of the dynamics of migration processes of soluble substances in the case of groundwater filtration with free surface on the base of the fractional derivative approach Bogaenko VA, Bulavatsky VM. Computer modeling of the dynamics of migration processes of soluble substances in the case of groundwater filtration with free surface on the base of the fractional derivative approach. 2018 ;(12):21-29.
New definition of the SPARQL — query language for the Semantic Web Kurgaev AF. New definition of the SPARQL — query language for the Semantic Web. 2018 ;(11):19-31.
On new symbolic key exchange protocols and cryptosystems based on a hidden tame homomorphism Ustimenko VA. On new symbolic key exchange protocols and cryptosystems based on a hidden tame homomorphism. 2018 ;(10):26-36.
A system approach to developing the underground space of metropolises under conditions of uncertainty and multifactor risks Pankratova ND, Savchenko IO, Haiko HI, Kravets VH. A system approach to developing the underground space of metropolises under conditions of uncertainty and multifactor risks. 2018 ;(10):18-25.
On multivariate public keys based on a pair of transformations with density gap Ustimenko VA. On multivariate public keys based on a pair of transformations with density gap. 2018 ;(9):21-27.