A problem of packing of homothetic convex polytopes Stoyan Yu.G, Chugay AM. A problem of packing of homothetic convex polytopes. 2017 ;(10):28-33.
The formalization of lists in the meta-language of normal forms of knowledge Kurgaev AF. The formalization of lists in the meta-language of normal forms of knowledge. 2017 ;(10):18-27.
On a combinatorial structure of the problems of optimal packing of geometric objects Yakovlev SV. On a combinatorial structure of the problems of optimal packing of geometric objects. 2017 ;(9):26-32.
The theory of convex extensions in combinatorial optimization problems Yakovlev SV. The theory of convex extensions in combinatorial optimization problems. 2017 ;(8):20-26.
On new multivariate cryptosystems based on hidden Eulerian equations Ustimenko VA. On new multivariate cryptosystems based on hidden Eulerian equations. 2017 ;(5):17-24.
Minimization of the conjunctive normal forms of partially monotonic Boolean functions Pynko AP. Minimization of the conjunctive normal forms of partially monotonic Boolean functions. 2017 ;(3):18-21.
Numerical modeling of the fractional-differential dynamics of the filtration-convective diffusion on the base of parallel algorithms for cluster systems Bogaenko VA, Bulavatsky VM. Numerical modeling of the fractional-differential dynamics of the filtration-convective diffusion on the base of parallel algorithms for cluster systems. 2017 ;(1):21-28.
Hermitian interlineation of functions of two variables on the given system of disjoint lines with preservation of the class Cr (R2) Lytvyn OM, Lytvyn OO, Tkachenko OV, Gritsay OL. Hermitian interlineation of functions of two variables on the given system of disjoint lines with preservation of the class Cr (R2). 2014 ;(7):53-59.
Optimal control over the process of heating of a thin core Kopets MM. Optimal control over the process of heating of a thin core. 2014 ;(7):48-52.