On the global minimum ot the objective function in a balanced circular packing problem Stetsyuk PI, Romanova TE, Schiethauer G. On the global minimum ot the objective function in a balanced circular packing problem. 2014 ;(6):53-57.
Some equalities in table algebras Red'ko VN, Buy DB, Senchenko AS. Some equalities in table algebras. 2014 ;(6):48-52.
Perturbed ordering cones for the analysis of vector optimization problems under uncertainty Lebedeva TT, Semenova NV, Sergienko TI. Perturbed ordering cones for the analysis of vector optimization problems under uncertainty. 2014 ;(6):42-47.
A mathematical model of the acceleration vector by its tracks in seismic prospecting Lytvyn OO. A mathematical model of the acceleration vector by its tracks in seismic prospecting. 2016 ;(11):24-27.
Estimates of the complexity of algorithms of implementation of set-theoretic operations in table algebras Kanarskaya IS. Estimates of the complexity of algorithms of implementation of set-theoretic operations in table algebras. 2016 ;(11):17-23.
Growth of action graphs of finite automata Bondarenko IV. Growth of action graphs of finite automata. 2014 ;(6):37-41.
Axially symmetric potentially rotational flow with free boundary Shevchenko AI, Minenko AS. Axially symmetric potentially rotational flow with free boundary. 2014 ;(5):45-49.
On the application of mass lumping in the Petrov–Galerkin finite element method for convection-diffusion problems Siryk SV, Salnikov NN. On the application of mass lumping in the Petrov–Galerkin finite element method for convection-diffusion problems. 2014 ;(5):39-44.
The universal Turing machine interpreter Kurgaev AF, Grygoryev SN. The universal Turing machine interpreter. 2016 ;(10):28-34.
Grid and cloud computing for the modeling of the motion of a magnetized assymmetric body in an external magnetic field Lyashko SI, Zub SI, Zub SS, Lyashko NI, Chernyavskiy AYu. Grid and cloud computing for the modeling of the motion of a magnetized assymmetric body in an external magnetic field. 2016 ;(9):29-36.