On the sedimentation modeling by a hyperbolic equation and its degeneration Kryvonos Yu.G, Selezov IT. On the sedimentation modeling by a hyperbolic equation and its degeneration. 2014 ;(9):40-43.
The asymptotic properties of a Σ-classifier for multiclass recognition problems with non-elliptic distribution of data Galkin OA. The asymptotic properties of a Σ-classifier for multiclass recognition problems with non-elliptic distribution of data. 2016 ;(6):25-30.
Application of the Monte-Carlo simulation for the statistical testing of the hypothesis that a steady-state distribution of the number of customers in the queueing system GI/G/∞ tends to the normal distribution in the case of heavy traffic Kuznetsov IN. Application of the Monte-Carlo simulation for the statistical testing of the hypothesis that a steady-state distribution of the number of customers in the queueing system GI/G/∞ tends to the normal distribution in the case of heavy traffic. 2016 ;(5):30-35.
Construction of a Lévy-type process by means of the parametrix method Knopova VP, Kulik AM. Construction of a Lévy-type process by means of the parametrix method. 2016 ;(5):22-29.
A new variant of regularization for extragradient methods Semenov VV, Chabak LM. A new variant of regularization for extragradient methods. 2014 ;(10):45-50.
Methods of parallel vertical data processing in neural networks Grytsyk VV, Tsmots IG, Skorokhoda OV. Methods of parallel vertical data processing in neural networks. 2014 ;(10):40-44.
Highly efficient classes of algorithms and high-performance systems implementing the synchronous interaction networks with data-processing systolic matrices Hrytsyk VV, Hrytsyk VV, Zozulya AM. Highly efficient classes of algorithms and high-performance systems implementing the synchronous interaction networks with data-processing systolic matrices. 2015 ;(12):19-24.
Modeling of the signal propagation in real systems with finite interval and absorption Kryvonos Yu.G, Selezov IT. Modeling of the signal propagation in real systems with finite interval and absorption. 2016 ;(4):35-40.
Application of the cyclic queueing systems Serebriakova SV. Application of the cyclic queueing systems. 2016 ;(3):32-37.
Polynomial algorithms of solution for some problems of construction of the timetables of a device for demands with waiting Iemets OO, Leonova MV. Polynomial algorithms of solution for some problems of construction of the timetables of a device for demands with waiting. 2016 ;(3):26-31.