Magnetic nanotherapy of animals with carcinosarcoma Walker-256 Orel VE, Shevchenko AD, Rykhalskyi OYu., Romanov AV, Burlaka AP, Lukin SN, Venger EF, Sydoryk EP, Schepotin IB. Magnetic nanotherapy of animals with carcinosarcoma Walker-256. Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. 2014 ;(11):172-179.
Comparative study of magnetic properties and the anticancer effect of superparamagnetic and ferromagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles in the nanocomplex with doxorubicin Orel VE, Shevchenko AD, Rykhalskyi OYu., Romanov AV, Orel IV, Lukin SN, Burlaka AP, Venger EF. Comparative study of magnetic properties and the anticancer effect of superparamagnetic and ferromagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles in the nanocomplex with doxorubicin. Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. 2015 ;(9):113-121.
Duration of the hidden chromosome instability persistence in peripheral blood lymphocytes of persons occupationally exposed to ionizing radiation Pilinskaya MA, Dibskiy SS, Dibskaya Ye.B, Shvayko LI, Sushko VA. Duration of the hidden chromosome instability persistence in peripheral blood lymphocytes of persons occupationally exposed to ionizing radiation. Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. 2015 ;(7):143-149.
Blood plasma nonessential aminoacids of stable and unstable stenocardia patients Lyzogub VG, Zavalskaya TV, Bogdan VV, Zhornichenko DM. Blood plasma nonessential aminoacids of stable and unstable stenocardia patients. Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. 2015 ;(6):167-174.
The activity of erythropoietin as the pathogenetic component of anemia in acute myeloid leukemia Lanovenko II, Berezyuk OM. The activity of erythropoietin as the pathogenetic component of anemia in acute myeloid leukemia. Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. 2014 ;(12):166-174.
Blood plasma essential aminoacids of stable and unstable stenocardia patients Zavalskaya TV. Blood plasma essential aminoacids of stable and unstable stenocardia patients. Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. 2015 ;(5):173-179.
Formation of the chromosomal and microsatellite instabilities in blood cells of cancer patients under the combined exposure in vitro to ionizing radiation and co-mutagens Domina EA, Ivankova VS, Pylypchuk OP, Zelena LB. Formation of the chromosomal and microsatellite instabilities in blood cells of cancer patients under the combined exposure in vitro to ionizing radiation and co-mutagens. Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. 2015 ;(5):165-172.
Prediction of the development of myocardial infarction in patients suffered from unstable stenocardia by changes in the fatty acid spectrum of lymphocyte membrane phospholipids Lyzogub VG, Zavalskaya TV, Bruzgina TS, Bogdan VV, Zhornichenko DM. Prediction of the development of myocardial infarction in patients suffered from unstable stenocardia by changes in the fatty acid spectrum of lymphocyte membrane phospholipids. Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. 2015 ;(4):150-155.