Заголовок | Polynomial algorithms of solution for some problems of construction of the timetables of a device for demands with waiting |
Тип публікації | Journal Article |
Рік публікації | 2016 |
Автори | Iemets, OO, Leonova, MV |
Abbreviated Key Title | Dopov. Nac. akad. nauk Ukr. |
DOI | 10.15407/dopovidi2016.03.026 |
Номер видання | 3 |
Розділ | Information Science and Cybernetics |
Нумерація сторінок | 26-31 |
Дата публікації | 3/2016 |
Мова | Ukrainian |
Анотація | The article is devoted to the development of a classification of tasks $Z=(P,R,W,F)$ of finding the timetable of one device with the given parameters. Each of the tasks has a positive weight $w_{i} \in W$, processing time $p_{i} \in P$, and waiting time $r_{i} \in R$, if it is not available for the service, and a given criterion F of optimal schedule. The possibility of a scheduling polynomial in the time for these tasks is shown. It is proved that the optimal solution of the tasks of scheduling a device is the nondecreasing ordering $\sigma =(i_{1},\ldots,i_{k} )$ of the elements of permutations $X=(r_{i_{1}},\ldots,r_{i_{k}})\in E_{kn} (R)$, $R$ is a multiset of waiting times of tasks.
Ключові слова | polynomial algorithm, task of scheduling for a single device |
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