A characterization of the Hahn property

TitleA characterization of the Hahn property
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsNesterenko, VV
Abbreviated Key TitleDopov. Nac. akad. nauk Ukr.
Date Published2/2014
We prove a new generalization of the Calbrix–Troallic theorem. For a Baire space $X$, a metrizable compact $Y$, and a metric space $Z$, the necessary and sufficient conditions for a mapping $f\colon X\times Y\to Z$, for which a set of points $x$ of $X$ such that $f$ is jointly continuous at each point of the set $\{x\}\times Y$ is residual in $X$, are found.
KeywordsCalbrix–Troallic theorem, characterization, Hahn property

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