Enhancement of the efficiency of heat removal from powerful electronic devices through thermal interfaces based on aluminum nitride films

TitleEnhancement of the efficiency of heat removal from powerful electronic devices through thermal interfaces based on aluminum nitride films
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsRudenko, EM, Sorokin, VM, Korotash, IV, Polotsky, DYu., Krakovny, AO, Suvorov, OYu., Belogolovskii, MO, Pekur, DV
Abbreviated Key TitleDopov. Nac. akad. nauk Ukr.
Date Published3/2018

The efficiency of aluminum nitride films as thermal interfaces has been studied. It is shown that such films obtained in a hybrid helicon-arc ion-plasma reactor significantly improve the heat removal from the crystals of electronic devices, in particular, from powerful LEDs or LED assemblies, and thus noteworthy increase their luminosity, reliability, and durability.

Keywordsaluminum nitride, heat sink, LED, thermal interfaces
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